1985-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Ford Skorpio
+ 1.1. Car identification
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Coupling
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
+ 9. A steering
- 10. Suspension brackets
   - 10.1. A forward suspension bracket
      10.1.1. A technical characteristics
      - 10.1.2. Service and repair A beam of a forward suspension bracket Removal and installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket Dismantling and assemblage of a rack of a suspension bracket Removal and stabilizer installation Replacement металлорезиновой lever plugs Removal and installation of a rotary fist Installation of forward wheels Replacement of bearings of a nave of a wheel
   + 10.2. A back suspension bracket
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. Wheels and tyres
+ 13. A body
+ 14. An electric equipment


10.1.2. Service and repair

Forward suspension bracket

Details of a forward suspension bracket

1 – an amortisation rack,
2 – a spring of a suspension bracket,
3 – a top cup,
4 – a basic element,
5 – a nut of fastening of a rod of the shock-absorber,
6 – a rubber casing,
7 – the rubber buffer,
8 – a rotary fist,
9, 10 – bearings of a nave,
11 – a nave of a wheel,
12 – a nut of a nave,
13 – заглушка,
14 – the lever with the spherical hinge,
15, 16 – металлорезиновые plugs,
17 – the stabilizer,
18 – stabilizer fastening

The bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket

1 – the stabilizer,

2 – a back washer,

3, 6 – металлорезиновые plugs,

4 – a forward washer,

5 – a nut